Sunday, September 9, 2007

The wii is one of the greatest piece of technology out well... video game technology. We got a wii around fathers day and we play it all the time. Chad got Madden 2008 and it is awesome.Zac likes a game called bigs and its baseball,I like baseball but not one the wii. I kinda wish we had a xbox 360 though because halo 3 comes out in 17 days!! I want to play it but we don't have a 360 and we don't know anyone who does that lives around us. But the wii is really cool it is the only video games that I've seen adults enjoy. The games are really easy to explain too.It is pretty cool.


Urmston Family said...

we love our Wii also. Gracie has a friend from school named William that likes to come over and play it with her. Glad to see that you are blogging. Can't wait to hear about how you life is going. Take care. Aunt Jill and the rest of the gang

Jessica said...

Hello Tyler,
Uncle Erman here. So you finally got a king snake. Make sure you don't lose this one. II, Jade, KK and LL miss you and the rest of your family. Thanks for keeping II busy from our visit.