Wednesday, December 5, 2007

the past few days have been crazy we rented guitar hero 3 its kinda getting boring playing all day and I think my hands can use a break. I made it to the spelling bee but I'm not going to do it. i have mutual tonight which should be fun. i start basketball in January I'm playing for a baptist church which is huge it is like the size of the conference center and it has 5 gymnasiums and a workout room. I've been reading the book of Mormon I'm in Mosiah. well now that I'm writing it hasn't really been that crazy it was "spirit week" at my school which I think is sort of lame but whatever. Its getting boring in Tennessee.


Matthew Urmston said...

Tyler you can come live with us whenever you want. Just make it this summer and bring a hammer. I promise it won't be boring.

Dean and Maryellen said...

Sounds like you are keeping yourself pretty busy. I like the part about reading the Book of Mormon the best. I just started again since coming on our mission. It is slow going because our time is limited and we need to study other things also. Our little white handbook that tells us what we should and shouldn't do and also Preach My Gospel. I have always loved reading Mosiah and Alma
Keep it up
Love Grandma