Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer has started and i have to read three books for high school which may prove challenging. At mutual last night we played "Messy Kickball" the bases were baby pools filled with random items.First base was filled with shaving cream, Second was filled with spagetti noodles, And Third was basically throw-up it had things like syrup,chili,relish,ketchup,mustard,chef boyardee, yams,and others that I've tried hard to forget. It was pretty gross but almost kinda fun. We had two friends over to play video games yesterday and we had a water balloon fight. I got sunburn that occasionally itches like CRAZY it woke me up at 1;30 yesterday and kept me up for like three hours which was miserable. I show my support to coopers blog only cause i don't want to get involved and I think that Garrett and Porter need to re-think their EGO...!!!!!

I'm Tyler and I approve this message.